How I Accidentally Became an Erotica Writer

From Honest Artist to…Sexy, Desperate Hack?

Madeleine Mich
6 min readJul 5, 2021

It’s the dream, isn’t it?

Our first book—oh, that old thing? Just something I’ve been working on late at night after work, probably on a 19th century Singer, over espresso or two fingers of bourbon — gets agented, gets sold, and pops. Off.

Then, in an inevitable Step Two, we buy a cottage—you know the one, it’s a little stone famine house in rural Ireland with a view of the sea and an overgrown garden—and begin a prolific career of mysticism, unequivocal artistry, aloof web interviews, and unplumbed riches.

I mean, that wasn’t my dream, really. Mine was more in the Leigh Bardugo vein. I wanted to write sweeping YA fantasy. I dreamed of 6-figure deals, internet fame, and four-film options wherein I do a corny, charming, inevitable cameo— the whole-ass, cliched shebang.

“So,” you say, “maybe you should have gone to college.”

“So,” I say, “yes. Yes, maybe I should have.”

But whoa, hey — that’s not why you’re here.

You want to know how I found myself thrust (ha) almost unawares into the lurid, ill-lit, mafia-man crowded landscape of — gasp! — self-pub erotica.

